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[SPLC2021 Challenge Case]

Variability Fault Localization: A Benchmark

Software fault localization is one of the most expensive, tedious, and time-consuming activities in program debugging. This activity becomes even much more challenging in Software Product Line (SPL) systems due to the variability of failures in SPL systems. These unexpected behaviors are caused by variability faults which can only be exposed under some combinations of system features. Although localizing bugs in non-configurable code has been investigated in-depth, variability fault localization in SPL systems still remains mostly unexplored. To approach this challenge, we propose a benchmark for variability fault localization with a large set of 1,570 buggy versions of six SPL systems and baseline variability fault localization performance results. Our hope is to engage the community and stimulate new and better approaches to the problem of variability fault localization in SPL systems. [Preprint]


We collected 6 Java SPL systems in SPL2Go, which are widely used in the existing studies about configurable code, to construct our dataset. In addition, the products of each system are composed by FeatureHouse, a popular automated software composer. Full dataset of configurable systems with test suites and failure reports can be retrieved from the download links.

Version 1 - Updated at 2021-03-05

This dataset contains 1,773 buggy versions collected from 6 Java SPL systems. The V1 detailed description can be found here. In addition, we later found that some cases that were not valid and should be removed. Hence, the dataset V2 is highly recommended to acquire in this challenge.


Version 2 - Updated at 2021-05-04 [NEW]

This dataset contains 1,570 buggy versions collected from 6 Java SPL systems, statistics are summarized in the table below.


System Details Test Info Bug info
#LOC #Features #SP #Tests Cov #Versions #IF
ZipMe 3460 13 25 255.0 42.9 304 2.7
GPL 1944 27 99 86.9 99.4 372 13.0
Elevator-FH-JML 854 6 18 166.0 92.9 122 3.6
ExamDB 513 8 8 133.3 99.5 263 1.1
Email-FH-JML 439 9 27 86.0 97.7 126 4.1
BankAccountTP 143 8 34 19.8 99.9 383 4.8

#SP, #IF stand for size of sampled products and number of involving features, respectively.

Baseline results

To construct baseline results, we conducted experiments with the naive adaption of Spectrum-Based Fault Localization (SBFL), which considers the whole SPL system as a non-configurable code. The suspiciousness score of a statement is measured based on the tests counted from all the products. We use this adaption with different SBFL metrics to evaluate the baseline performance on localizing variability bugs in both single-bug and multiple-bug settings.

Experimental results can be found in related dataset.

Artifact Structure

├── model.m                   # Feature model file structured in GUISDL format
├── model.m.ca4.csv           # Configuration sampling result file is produced by SPLCAtool 
├── configs/                  # Configuration files have been sampled **only Original System**
├── features/                 # Java source files of all the features
├── lib/                      # Java dependencies required when run products
├── variants/                 # All products (variants) composed based on configuration files in [configs/] 
│   ├── model_m_ca4_0001/
│   │   ├── src/               # Product's Java source code composed by FeatureHouse
│   │   ├── test/              # Unit Test source code generated by Evosuite
│   │   ├── build/             # Java classes built from [src/] and [test/]
│   │   ├── coverage/          # Test execution data recorded by OpenClover **only Buggy System**
│   │   │   ├── passed/                           # Coverage data of each passed test
│   │   │   ├── failed/                           # Coverage data of each failed test
│   │   │   ├── spectrum_passed_coverage.xml      # Program spectra aggregated from [passed/]
│   │   │   ├── spectrum_failed_coverage.xml      # Program spectra aggregated from [failed/]
│   │   ├── roles.meta         # Composed method mapping provided by FeatureHouse
│   │   ├── batch.test.X.flag  # Overall test result of current product (X = passed/failed)
│   ├── model_m_ca4_0002/
│   ├── model_m_ca4_0003/
│   ├── ...
├── X.mutant.log             # location of the modification in feature source code
├──   # a text file for reporting overall test result of each product in the system


*Feature Remapping

For remapping purposes, the link between each code statement in a product and the corresponding statement in the feature is recorded.

[FEATURE_SOURCE_FILE] /features/BankAccount/

28| 	boolean undoUpdate( int x )
29| 	{
30|     	int newBalance = balance - x;
31|     	if (newBalance < OVERDRAFT_LIMIT) {
32|         	     return false;
33|		}
34|     	balance = newBalance;
35|     	return true;
36| 	}


38| 	//__feature_mapping__ [BankAccount] [28:36]
39| 	boolean undoUpdate( int x )
40| 	{
41|     	int newBalance = balance - x;
42|     	if (newBalance < OVERDRAFT_LIMIT) {
43|         	     return false;
44|		}
45|     	balance = newBalance;
46|     	return true;
47| 	}

[COMPOSED_PRODUCT_COVERAGE_FILE] /coverage/spectrum_passed_coverage.xml

<file path="" name="Account">   
   <line num="28" count="3" type="stmt" featureClass="BankAccount.Account" featureLineNum="20" /> 
   <line num="29" count="3" type="stmt" featureClass="BankAccount.Account" featureLineNum="21" buggy="true" />  
   <line num="30" count="1" type="stmt" featureClass="BankAccount.Account" featureLineNum="22" /> 
   <line num="32" count="2" type="stmt" featureClass="BankAccount.Account" featureLineNum="24" /> 
   <line num="33" count="2" type="stmt" featureClass="BankAccount.Account" featureLineNum="25" /> 
   <line num="39" count="3" type="method" featureClass="BankAccount.Account" featureLineNum="28" /> 
   <line num="41" count="3" type="stmt" featureClass="BankAccount.Account" featureLineNum="30" /> 
   <line num="42" count="3" type="stmt" featureClass="BankAccount.Account" featureLineNum="31" />  
   <line num="43" count="1" type="stmt" featureClass="BankAccount.Account" featureLineNum="32" /> 
   <line num="45" count="2" type="stmt" featureClass="BankAccount.Account" featureLineNum="34" /> 
   <line num="46" count="2" type="stmt" featureClass="BankAccount.Account" featureLineNum="35" />

Cite us

  title={Variability fault localization: a benchmark},
  author={Ngo, Kien-Tuan and Nguyen, Thu-Trang and Nguyen, Son and Vo, Hieu Dinh},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 25th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference-Volume A},